

ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL. Meets Sabbath mornings at 9:30 until 10:30.  Composed of group singing, Bible study classes, teaching and interactive studies.  There are 2 Adult Bible study classes:  

  • Study of quarterly lessons in the Sanctuary
  • Group Bible study in fellowship hall

CHILDRENS' SABBATH SCHOOL.  Meets Sabbath mornings at 9:30 to 10:30.  Age-appropriate teaching, singing, interactive studies, memorization of  Bible verses.  There are several age classes:

  • Beginner/Kindergarten: Birth - 5 years old
  • Primary: 6 - 9 years old
  • Junior/Earliteen: 10 - 14 years old
  • Youth: 15  and up


Our church has an Adventurers Group (4 years old - 4th grade) and a Pathfinders Group (5th - 10th grade) that meets 3 times a week (schedule available on church calendar).  If you would like more information on how to enroll your child, please reach out to us for more information. 

Cornerstone Ministries

Each month, a group of volunteers goes to help clean up after the meal at cornerstone.  5-6 volunteers are needed each month.  This usually happens on the 4th Sabbath of the month (Schedule can vary due to Holidays) starting at 2 PM, and lasting 2-3 hours.  If you would like to learn more about volunteering, please contact Kim Butters.  

Helping Hands Food Pantry

Jasper SDA Church operates the Helping Hands Food Pantry, which is open the third Wednesday of each month, from 9 AM until noon. First time clients should be prepared to provide some personal and financial information, and a picture ID.